das boys

das boys
Gin Do' Friday

Thursday 1 September 2011

E4 isn't pleasing Gin Do'

Why is friends leaving me (us)?  If I want a program to be on what will be on instead that will provide exactly Joey being a bit dumb, Ross being excentric and Phobes being an idiot?

It may make me eat this which is likely horrible by now inspite of it's good looks.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Secret Gig and Summer Trip

Thanks to everyone who showed up on very short notice for the secret gig at our flat yesterday.  Risking the outdoors in that heat for little ol' Gin Do' was very touching, it's not often we get the chance to treat but when we do something special always happens.  The beers after at the Barenaked Beer Festival completed a trippy afternoon.


This isn't from the beer festival or even this decade, it's a Jordan Burger from Chicago Bulls I got in 2008

(also just watching Friends, Ross' best episode where he goes all high pitched and burns his hands on his fajitas, he is possibly more trippy than our gig)

Sunday 22 May 2011

The Grand Plan

Break America - Burn out fast - Get the hell out of there

Bye America!

The idea with this is to get through all the steps within 2 weeks max.  Nobody to Public Enemy Number One via Chief Music Legend Middle Class Heros.

We need £20000 of donated money to get it done, sorry we've got to keep our own savings for shrewd investments in the future when it's all crashed down.

Saturday 26 February 2011

What will Gin Do' do next?

I bring your attention to a time Gin Do' Friday, during a hard days recording the Schnuffler, created something brilliant.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Gin Do' musings

As we've questioned before, Got Ham?

We're currently having a bit of a chill while we explore our internal needs and where we want to take the band in the future.  We also want to expand one day so if you've got the skills let us know!

Ballin' season should be kicking off again soon, so prepare for many AD's, Green Curlers and one or two misses.  Photos and maybe videos will follow.

Gin Do' back in the game

We don't trip

Get over to Gin Do' Friday Tunes to hear the current tracks, many more to come but that's just Gin Do'

On the other hand we can also be followed on Twitter @gindofriday

And well you might as well check out our film production company http://www.myspace.com/f10productions